Cathey Chet

Fifth Grade

Cathey Chet

My family and I moved from California, where I was a Special Education teacher, to North Carolina a number of years ago. Soon after arriving, I began looking for a school that not only would I like to work at, but a place where I would want my own children to become a part of. The prospect of a new Charter School, The Mountain Community School, quickly caught my attention. I was the first to be hired at TMCS, and my daughter began school as a kindergarten student that same year.

Although TMCS has gone through many changes over the years, we still hold on to our original mission of small class size, family involvement and experiential learning. These are the things that continue to create our sense of community within the school and individual classrooms as well.

My classroom is no exception. In fifth grade I integrate curriculum areas as much as possible, which works hand-in-hand with our Learning Through Expeditions. I love Science, and in my room you will find students working in co-operative groups, going on field trips and doing hands-on projects almost daily.

You may find us studying National Park biomes through geography and weather, calculating force and motion through the studies of the human body systems, or observe the excitement of my students as they watch ducklings hatch in the Spring. All the while, I integrate reading, writing, technology and math skills in depth. Social Skills are also addressed head-on in my class. Not only are we active in our school-wide CREW program, we also do check-ins and have Classroom Meetings weekly.

I have felt incredibly fortunate to have been a part of this Community for my family as well as a teacher from the first day it began, and continuing today. Since my hiring, all three of my children have graduated from TMCS and have moved on to be very successful High School students and college graduates. My daughter is now a 3rd grade teacher in Raleigh.

Simply stated, TMCS is a great place to be!

Events Calendar

January 2025

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
  • Teacher Work Day No …
  • Report Cards Distrib…
  • 100th Day of School!
  • Open House for Prosp…
  • Special Arts Club
  • MLK Jr Birthday No s…
  • Basketball Game away…
  • School Board Meeting
  • BB Game home against…
  • Henderson Early Coll…
  • 4th Grade Field Trip
  • BB Game away against…
  • 1/2 Day Staff Develo…
  • Staff Lunch Provided…
  • BB Game away against…

Classroom FAQ

  • Language Arts: Reading will integrate McMillian/McGraw Hill Treasures Reading Program, group literature books, free choice books (at individual lexile level). Other reading materials will be used, such as: Newspapers, poetry, speeches, numerous trade books and periodicals (Scholastic, Kids Discover, Weekly Studies) that are integrated with our social studies and science curriculum.
  • Writing will be based on a Writer’s Workshop model. It will also include poetry, essays, book reports, and State Reports. Spelling, grammar, and editing skills are also an integral part of our writing program.
  • Math will be based on the My Math program. We will be integrating independent as well as hands-on activities regularly. Math Superstars are also available for enrichment.
  • The Science and Social Studies Curriculum follows the NC Common Core and Essential Standards Curriculum.


Fifth Grade students will be expected to read weeknights for approx. 20-30 minutes, reading books of their choice, at their lexile. A book report will be due each quarter.


Math homework is given nightly Mon.-Thurs., with the exception of occasional test days. Mathe Superstars are also offered for enrichment.


A “State Report” is required twice quarterly. Requirements will be reviewed with students in class. On occasion, student projects may also be assigned.

All homework assignment will be reviewed with students at the beginning of each week and written in individual agendas. A parent email will also be sent out.

Tokens/Classroom Auction

Tokens can be earned in a number of ways (completed homework, good test scores, kind acts, etc.). Tokens will also be used to buy pencils, use restroom, etc.
At the end of each 9-week session we will have an auction, where students use their earned tokens to bid on various items that have been donated to the classroom. Ms. Pesce will be our honorary auctioneer .

Discipline Policy

If students are disruptive to the point of affecting their peers ability to learn or their own (examples: tardy, no homework, unprepared for class, talking out, touching others, off task, disruptive in hallways, etc.) the will be given the following consequences: Warning- no consequence, Strike 1- 5 min. reward time, Strike 2 -10 min. reward time, phone call/e-mail home, Strike 3 -15 min. reward time, phone call home by principal.

Classroom Meetings/Character Education

Classroom meeting will also be a part of our weekly curriculum. Here, students will work on conflict resolution with issues that they may have with a peer or peers. They are also given the opportunity to share compliments, and will learn how to use “I” messages.


8:00-9:00 Technology (writing, math, reading, word processing, research, technology)
9:00-10:00 Math
10:00-10:30 Reading
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-11:35 Writing
11:35-12:00 Spelling
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:00 SSR- sustained silent reading
1:00-2:00 Enrichment Activities (PE, Music, Art)
2:00-2:50 Science /Social Studies
2:50-3:00 Wrap-up /Clean-up/ Pack-up

Misc. Schedule Times
Library W: 8:00-8:20
Kinderpals W: 2:20-2:50
Classroom Meeting F: 2:00-2:30
Reward Time F: 2:30-2:50
DARE / STAR To be arranged (3rd quarter)

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