Destination Imagination
TMCS students have the opportunity to participate in Destination Imagination, a national program that challenges students to solve problems using creativity, imagination and teamwork. Working in groups of seven or less, Destination Imagination teams work to create short plays that answer a predetermined series of challenges, and present their plays for schools and at regional competitions. The most important rule for Destination Imagination projects is that the students must do everything themselves and outside assistance is strictly prohibited. Adult assistance is limited to a team’s coach, who serves in an advisory capacity. This fantastic program helps students build self-confidence, improve problem-solving skills, and learn to work together with others. TMCS teams are organized in the fall and work at their own pace towards the regional competition in February or March.
Coaches: (Elementary) Mr. Arnold and Ms. Pearson
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Coaches: (Middle School) Ms. Freeman, Mrs. Nelson and Ms. Jackson
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Parent Director: Robyn Crawford
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Science Olympiad
Coaches: Mr. Hallmark
Contact Email:

Middle School Yearbook
Coaches: Mrs. Dill
Contact Email:

Elementary Yearbook
Coach: Mrs. Nelson
Contact Email:

Advanced Art Club
Coaches: Mrs. Jackson
Contact Email:

Sunset Club
Sunset club is our after school program. This program begins immediately following school and remains open until 6:00 pm. Any student not picked up by 3:30 pm automatically will be singed into Sunset club and expected to pay the daily fee. $10 per day – $20 per half day. Sunset club does operate on half days, but does not operate on days when school is not in session.